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Discover Luxury in Hospitality with Oak Valley Island's Catalogs

Discover a world of luxury and functionality at Oak Valley Island. Browse our extensive catalog showcasing luxury furniture, exquisite tableware, artisanal copper utensils, customizable paper containers, and convenient disposable utensils. Elevate your catering experience with our specialized catering apparel and enhance ambiance with our air fresheners and home fragrances. Upgrade your outdoor spaces with our stylish garden equipment, which includes elegant umbrellas. Illuminate your living spaces with our beautiful home lighting options. And that's only the start. Browse through our catalog for more incredible products to enhance your spaces and create unforgettable experiences.


We Empower Your Vision: Oak Valley Island - Your Partner for Transforming Spaces through Logistics, Furnishing, Trading, Importing, and More. With our personalized solutions, exceptional craftsmanship, and commitment to functional beauty, we are here to bring your vision to life.

Get In Touch
iq +964 783 099 1992
tr +90 537 365 5604
Call us
Al-Adl neighborhood, Al-Rabea Street, adjacent to Loloat Al-Adl fuel filling station - Baghdad - Iraq
Akçaburgaz, 3136. Sk No:14, 34522 Esenyurt/İstanbul
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Oak Valley Island is a subsidiary of OVI COMPANY. As the parent company, OVI COMPANY oversees operations across OVI Furniture in Türkiye, Iraq, Canada, and Saudi Arabia, Oak Valley Island (Iraq), and OVI Logistics & Transport (Türkiye).

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